Hands in Harmony

occupational therapy Services

At Hands-in-Harmony, our mission is to empower individuals to thrive in their daily lives through comprehensive occupational therapy.  

At Hands In Harmony, we understand that you or your child are not defined by a diagnosis. We are all beautiful and complex human beings. My job is to help you or your child reach your utmost potential in the areas that are important to you in order be the best you can be. This begins with patient led sessions. There is no better way to ensure the success of your treatment than if you are the most important piece of your plan! You or the child lead the session and I add my years of professional experience to help you reach your goals.

pediatric Occupational therapy services

home and nature based services

Upper extremity and hand REHABILITATION for adults and children

Practice Areas

At Hands in Harmony, we evaluate, create and implement individualized treatment programs in the areas below:

Sensory Integration

Much of our uniqueness comes from the way we process sensory information. This can be the reason a person may avoid large groups of people, or seek out activities which increase adrenaline, as examples. When a person is over or under stimulated this can affect regulation and their ability to complete meaningful tasks. Therapeutic Listening, Astronaut Training, Sensory Diet, and environmental modifications are some of the modalities and programs utilized to address this area.

Fine Motor and Gross Motor Function

The ability to move efficiently in the environment and to manipulate items with our hands are integral parts of engaging with the world. Whether it is writing, running, making breakfast or tying our shoes, fine motor and gross motor function is of paramount importance in our lives.

Hand/Upper Extremity Rehabilitation

We treat anything from common to complex upper extremity injuries, including (but not limited to) fractures, arthritis management, tendon injuries, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, CRPS, amputations and developmental malformations.

Splinting, stretching, activity based exercises, massage, ergonomic training and patient education are some of the ways to address upper extremity rehabilitation.

Play Skills

The importance of play for children and adults is chronically undervalued. Just as adults have jobs, a child’s job is to play. Through play, a child engages in creativity, problem solving, and communication by having fun and remaining open to ideas. There is no better way to learn.

Social Skills

So often taken for granted, a conversation is a very complex experience. It involves integrating a bevy of sensory input, processing language, body language and context while improvising an appropriate response that moves an idea or activity forward. Utilizing sensory integration techniques and a modified floor time approach, we pinpoint areas of need and enrich social skills through play.


To engage in any activity a person has to be regulated. You can’t be asleep in class and expect to learn, but you can’t be bouncing off of the walls and expect to retain information either. Utilizing self awareness programs such as The ALERT program, we help the individual assess their own regulation and teach strategies to address dysregulation.

Wouldn’t you rather be outside?

More and more research continues to indicate that activities in nature, such as playing, hiking, gardening (or even sitting and appreciating)have not only a positive impact in regards to well being, but also can decrease anxiety, enhance cognition and aid in regulation. Therefore, when appropriate and weather permitting, therapy sessions will be conducted at parks, playgrounds or other appropriate outside settings. We also try to find outdoor areas close to your home for your convenience.

For Your Convenience

If outdoor locations are not utilized, therapy sessions will occur in the home.